Some schizophrenia may actually be lupus

A woman had been diagnosed with schizophrenia for twenty years. Bloodwork found elevated antibody levels, antibodies that were attacking her own body:

The first conclusive evidence was in her bloodwork: It showed that her immune system was producing copious amounts and types of antibodies that were attacking her body. Brain scans showed evidence that these antibodies were damaging her brain’s temporal lobes, areas that are implicated in schizophrenia and psychosis. (…)

Even though April had all the clinical signs of schizophrenia, the team believed that the underlying cause was lupus, a complex autoimmune disorder in which the immune system turns on its own body, producing many antibodies that attack the skin, joints, kidneys or other organs. But April’s symptoms weren’t typical, and there were no obvious external signs of the disease; the lupus appeared to be affecting only her brain. (…)

Every month for six months, April would receive short, but powerful “pulses” of intravenous steroids for five days, plus a single dose of cyclophosphamide…. She was also treated with rituximab, a drug initially developed for lymphoma.

The regimen is grueling, requiring a month-long break between each of the six rounds to allow the immune system to recover. But April started showing signs of improvement almost immediately.

It’s possible that many psychiatric patients actually have other — curable — medical issues. About 4,400 words. If you don’t have a subscription (and you should), this link also works.

Dating tweets

For examples:

I can tell climate change is real because men aren’t holding as many fish in their dating profiles.

yes!! the place for performative activism is on your dating app profile !! yes!

dating apps are punishment for being single

Men on dating apps keep requiring that I speak fluent sarcasm but they don’t have that on duolingo 😔😔😔😔☹️🙁😩😣😞😔😫😫 what do I do

More at:

Cheat codes for life

In computer games, a “cheat code” is a special code or series of steps that gives you extra powers in the game. In real life, here are a whole bunch of techniques that can give you extra powers. Some examples (with more details in the article):

  • When you get lots of rejections you stop fearing it. This makes you unstoppable.
  • The world wants you to be normal. F*ck being normal. That’s when being extraordinary becomes impossible.
  • Working for yourself means you can earn less income than a normal salary and still make more due to tax reasons.
  • Everything in life has a tax. Example: attracting a few haters is the tax on being a writer. Pay the tax and don’t complain.
  • Not knowing what to do and taking action anyway is a superpower.
  • The person we lie to the most is ourselves.
  • Experiment in life so you take a few risks. A risk that can’t bankrupt you is a good one.

Checklist of cognitive distortions

And how to counteract them! This is a seven-page PDF, taken from the book The Feeling Good Handbook (David, Burns D., 1999).

The first list is of ten cognitive distortions and their descriptions: All or nothing thinking; Overgeneralization; Mental filter; Discounting the positives; Jumping to conclusions; Magnification or minimalization; Emotional reasoning; “Should” statements; Labeling; Personalization and blame.

More lists: Ten ways to untwist your thinking; Ways to challenge automatic thoughts; Your thoughts and feelings. David’s website is

Celestial white noise

The only image in this ten-hour video.

“White noise” (evenly-distributed random noise) from the sky:

This 10 hour ambient track of soothing white noise masks distracting sounds to help you sleep better and focus at work or school. The video is ten hours long so that you can achieve deep sleep and not be woken by extraneous noises in the night. You’ll enjoy the benefits of relaxation, focus, deeper sleep and freedom from outside distractions.

The sound, uniquely crafted and based upon cosmic radiation, is similar to brown noise but has more bass and less on the high end.

Tinnitus sufferers may also find their symptoms temporarily masked by the ambient mix.

Ten hours long: And for maximum enjoyment, turn on the closed captioning.

The comments are also good, here are a few:

Robloxmemer 59: Can’t believe I’m still listening to this song 14 billion years after it first came out

Comrade Wolf: This is my favorite band. I can’t wait to see them in concert!!

Tomi 24: i love the fact that i paused the video when i went to the bathroom so i wouldn’t miss a thing 💀

Eight rules to do everything better

These are not new brilliance, but it’s good to see useful advice in one place.

  • Stress + rest = growth
  • Focus on the process, not results
  • Stay humble
  • Build your tribe
  • Take small, consistent steps to achieve big gains
  • Be a minimalist to be a maximalist
  • Make the hard thing easier
  • Remember to experience joy

More at

Marriage 101

Article from 2016:

Nearly half of all married couples are likely to divorce, and many couples report feeling unhappy in their relationships. Instructors of Northwestern University’s Marriage 101 class want to change that.

While popular culture often depicts love as a matter of luck and meeting the right person, after which everything effortlessly falls into place, learning how to love another person well, Solomon explains, is anything but intuitive. Among the larger lessons students learn in this class are:

Self-understanding is the first step to having a good relationship. “The foundation of our course is based on correcting a misconception: that to make a marriage work, you have to find the right person. The fact is, you have to be the right person,” Solomon declares.

You can’t avoid marital conflict, but you can learn how to handle it better. Once you have a sound, objective sense of why you behave the way you do, you are better equipped to deal with conflicts—inevitable in any long-term relationship.

A good marriage takes skill. The reality is that most of us don’t have adequate communication skills going into marriage.

You and your partner need a similar worldview. Even the best communication skills won’t help a couple that sees the world completely differently.

Eighteen things that are not worth the mental cost

There are many daily activities, people, requests and categories associated with mental drain. Here are the things that are definitely not worth the mental cost.

• An invitation you instantly search for an excuse to decline
• A person who throws you under the bus at work
• Items that create clutter in your home
• Clothes that don’t fit — and never did
• Being late to meetings


Clothes that don’t fit — and never did

Marie Kondo that shit out of your closet.

Choosing clothes takes mental energy. Every decision you make — no matter how small — takes away precious mental energy.

I used to hold on to clothes that didn’t fit me. I had buff man shirts from back in my twenties, when I went from 60 KG to 100 KG in a year. Those shirts don’t fit anymore and the buff legs have gone back to chicken legs.

If you have to think for more than five seconds about an item of clothing then it probably should be donated to the local homeless shelter.

The article includes explanations of how these situations happen and why they are a waste of your finite mental energy.

Reasons to be cheerful

A website from David Byrne of The Talking Heads. Categories:

Here’s the start of one article, Cops and Hippies:

It sounds like the plot of some cop-buddy movie: an anarchic hippie social worker (Snoop Dogg or Owen Wilson) is forced to team up with a straight-laced conservative cop (Clint Eastwood, the Rock). Chaos and hilarity ensue. Life lessons are learned. In this case, it actually happened.

It started decades ago in Eugene, Oregon, where police responses to drug- and mental health-related calls were ending badly. So Eugene tried something different: When one of these emergency calls came in, the city dispatched social workers instead of cops. Thirty years later, the strategy has reduced conflicts between police and the public, and made Eugene a national model for harm reduction-oriented policing…


Making better resolutions

This article looks like an excellent overview. The twelve steps:

How to make better resolutions

  • Commit to the change (an active resolution, not just a throw-away)
  • Be single-minded (especially given COVID’s distractions)
  • Act SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound)
  • Target behavior, not results (you can’t control the results)
  • Anticipate the triggers (and do something else when that happens)
  • Go public (share with friends or family)

How to stick to your resolutions

  • Remove temptation (stay away from them so you don’t have to resist them)
  • Make it easy to be good (veggies in the front of the fridge!)
  • Track your progress (monitor / record it)
  • Reward good behavior (with a treat!)
  • Find a support group (cheerleaders, not naysayers)
  • Get back on the horse (perfection is difficult, settle for excellence!)

Full article here: